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I Love My Work In my last blog post I wrote that I was throwing in the towel and shutting my business down. But, that doesn't mean I'm going away, because I absolutely love what I do. I love coaching bright, successful innovators and influencers to even greater...
I’m Throwing in the Towel….and Launching a New Business!
I quit. Yes, me, the executive coach who's been at this game for over 15 years and who has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs turn their businesses around, I'm throwing in the towel on my business. Why? It's Time to Pivot. How Do I Know? The hallmark of a great...
The 5 Questions Every Business Owner Should Ask Themselves at the End of Every Year
The end of the year is a great time for business owners to take stock of what worked, what didn't, and what needs to change in the business, or within you, to create a profitable business. Take the time to consider these five questions and answer them honestly. What...
Is Your Brain the Reason You’re Underpaid?
Right brain entrepreneurs and executives are consistently undervalued and underpaid. I've written before about the reasons why right brain entrepreneurs and executives are overwhelmed, overcommitted and overworked, but today I want to talk about where the rubber...
Undervalued and Underpaid: The Catch-22 of the Right Brain Entrepreneur
Has anyone ever said to you, "Wow! That's amazing that you can do that!"...and you've waved it off saying "That was easy" or "It was nothing."? We right brainers tend to think if we can do something then, surely, everyone else can. Or at least a lot of people can. The...
How NOT to Be A Right Brain Super Hero
In the last post we talked about what the Super Hero Syndrome is, and why it is a particular challenge for the right brain entrepreneur. One of the reasons right brain entrepreneurs are overworked is because of this syndrome. In today's post we're going to talk about...
Do You Suffer From Super Hero Syndrome?
We live in a world of constant pressure and unrealistic expectations. The super heroes of our youth and the heroes in the media today have warped our sense of what is realistic and what is humanly possible. While it's sometimes difficult for us to admit that we're...
Why You’re Overwhelmed and Overcommitted – and What To Do About It [replay]
This week we finished the first teleclass in a series examining and explaining some common traps for right brain entrepreneurs and executives. The first class focused on why you are overwhelmed and overcommitted...the patterns that lead to this...and waht you can do...
Are You Feeling Trapped By Your Business?
Last week I met with Bob, who owns a small business and wanted to talk with me because he felt trapped by his business. He started his business several years ago and has lost sight of his original vision. He's overwhelmed by his very long to do list. And while he...
The Hidden Beliefs That Keep You Overwhelmed and Overcommitted
There are three main areas that determine how successful we are at running our businesses and our lives: our brains, our beliefs, and our brawn (habits). Today I want to talk about beliefs. Specifically, the hidden beliefs that keep right brain entrepreneurs and...