News, Updates, & Resources
Bring Out the Best in Your Employees, Based on Their Brain Type
This article originally appeared on When managing others, one size does not fit all. Tailoring your leadership style to complement different brain types and respecting the individual differences of those you’re managing will bring out the best in...
How to Manage Stress Based on Your Brain Type
This article originally appeared on Stress is so common that many people think it’s normal for an entrepreneur to experience it on a daily basis, but constant stress is not sustainable. Working with a coach to create maintainable systems and...
8 Reasons Why Creatives Will Rule the World
This article originally appeared on RIGHT-BRAINERS, YOUR TIME HAS COME--THIS IS THE AGE OF THE CREATIVE MIND. In the not-too-distant future, creatives will rule the world. I’m not just saying this because I consider myself a creative. The...
Radio: The Right CEO for Any Venture
It was really nice to be a guest on the The Unapologetic Capitalist show this week. Alison and I have very similar perspectives about Which CEO is Right for a Company. Please listen in on iHeartRadio:
Stamen launches Surging Seas for Climate Central
Congratulations to the entire team at Stamen Design for launching a new project called Surging Seas for Climate Central. Check out Surging Seas.
Ask the Coach: How Do I Hire the Right Creative?
This week in the Ask the Coach column, we'll focus on hiring creatives. Sally writes, "When hiring employees for creative roles, what should you be looking for?" And, "What are the top three interview questions you should ask and what are the answers you want to...
Radio: The 3 Biggest Challenges Startups Face
Last week I recorded a radio show with Alison B. Gerlach, The Unapologetic Capitalist. Please listen in: The Unapologetic Capitalist is a forum to cultivate and encourage the building of...
Determining Your Entrepreneur Style and Getting Past Your Business Blind Spots
This article originally appeared on Entrepreneurs are leaders who can see into the future with inspired vision, championing highly competent teams to make the seemingly impossible possible. That is the intent at least. There are times when you may...
Eight Time Buckets Required for Happy, Creative Entrepreneurs
This article originally appeared on LinkedIn here. All right-brain entrepreneurs struggle with time management. However, it's important to pay attention to each of the time buckets that are required to maintain a healthy business and lifestyle. Time buckets are the...
The 3 Reasons Why Creative Entrepreneurs Always Struggle
Every business owner sabotages their business - often without knowing it. Innovators + Influencers like us are no exception. Why does this happen when surely we "know better"? It happens because we all have personal blind spots that prevent us from running our...